Sticky Date & Chocolate Loaf

For a while, there was the Clandestine Cake Club, with meetings in almost every town in the land. I loved it. Every month, a theme would be declared. Research would be done, and a brand new cake, usually one never before made would burst forth out of the oven. And then we’d meet up, in a secret location, and talk and eat cake. What’s not to like?

So the thing is, I love chocolate, I really do. But I’m just not that keen on chocolate cake. A really, really chocolatey cake is a rare thing to bake. And the theme for this particular cake club meeting was Chocolate.

So I went looking for an alternative angle, and discovered this courtesy of Singapore Shiokl which sounded a bit different.

My first attempt exploded out of my loaf tin which definitely wasn’t large enough, so I popped to Palmers and sourced a much bigger loaf tin, more akin to the dimensions called for by the recipe.

The recipe itself doesn’t ask for any icing, but I just thought that a little bit of water icing wouldn’t go amiss, especially as it was for Cake Club where everyone else’s cakes tend to be a vision of decoration. I’m not great at icing, but I’m there with the flavours.

And just sneaking into one of the pics is a chocolate and something else cake … all I remember is that it was absolutely disgusting. Chocolate and prune maybe? Don’t go there, just don’t.

Carrot Cake Recipe

Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 55 mins
Course Cake
Cuisine British
Servings 12



  • 6 oz Caster sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 pt Sunflower or vegetable oil
  • 8 oz Gluten free self raising flour I'm assuming your blend has Xantham gum in it. If not, add 1/4 tsp Xantham gum.
  • 1 tsp Baking powder I'm assuming your self raising flour has a raising agent in it. If not, add another tsp of baking powder.
  • 2 tsps Ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp Salt
  • 8 oz Grated carrot Use the chunky side of the grater
  • 4 oz Sultanas


  • 3 oz cream cheese, or Oatly creme fraîche
  • 6 oz icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  • Heat your oven to 180°C / Gas mark 4. Grease and line a 8" loose bottomed cake tin.
  • Beat sugar, eggs and oil together until well blended.
  • Sift dry ingredients together and add to the egg mixture.
  • Stir in the grated carrot and the sultanas.
  • Pour mixture into tin and bake for 55 - 60 minutes until golden brown.
  • Once the cake has cooled, make the icing.
  • Beat the cream cheese or crème fraîche till smooth, then add sifted icing sugar. Add lemon juice to loosen to taste.


To make with normal self-raising flour, use 8oz self raising flour and 1 tsp of baking powder. 
Keyword cake, Carrot

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